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Below are the winners from the Season To Sparkle Blog Hop ($30 gift cards)!

Thank you so much for joining us & now onto the winners!!

The winner for Day One is….

:::::: Drum Roll ::::::::::

Barbara Staradumsky

The winner for Day Two is….

:::::: Drum Roll ::::::::::

Karthikha Uday

Please email:  lisa@HoneyBeeStamps.com to claim your prize!

– Lots of love from the entire staff at…

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3 responses to “Winner Announcements!”

  1. Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I won! I am in love with so many items that it was hard to choose what to get with my first order. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  2. Yayyy!! Thank you so much 🙂 What a great start to the day!! <3

  3. Sharon Gulliksons says:

    Congratulations both of you!!! Honey Bee has adorable stamps…enjoy!

Honey Bee Stamps