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Hi Crafty Friends!

Below are the winners from the Hero Arts + Honey Bee Stamps Collaboration Blog Hop ($50 gift cards)! Thank you so much for joining us on the blog hop & now onto the winners!!

The winner for the Honey Bee Stamps Gift Card is….

:::::: Drum Roll ::::::::::

Carol Wortman

Please email:  Lisa@HoneyBeeStamps.com to claim your prize!

The winner for the Hero Arts Gift Card is….

:::::: Drum Roll ::::::::::

Danyelle Dillon

Please email:  Libby@heroarts.com to claim your prize!

– Lots of love from the entire staff at…

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One response to “Winner Announcement!”

  1. Carol Wortman says:

    Oh Honey…I am BEEyond excited to see my name! It was a fun and inspiring collaboration paying tribute with a wonderful stamp! Thank you very very much! I did email you earlier and will forward it again.. thank you for watching for it! HAPPY HAPPY (((Hugs)))????

Honey Bee Stamps