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Hello Honey Bee friends!! Brenda here today sharing a pretty birthday card! I just love the Spring Peony and Fluttering By sets and wanted to combine them on a card! I began by white heat embossing the images from Spring Peony and Fluttering By onto Bristol paper and watercoloring them with Zig Clean Color Markers.…

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Good morning!! I mentioned that I am trying to build up my stash of birthday cards in last week’s post. As I was flipping through my stamps & dies, I realized that I had never used the adorable Cupcake Builder Honey Cuts. So, that is the focus for today’s card. I began by cutting the Cupcake…

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Happy Tuesday everyone!! It finally looks like spring may be arriving this week in the Midwest!! The sun is out and the birds are chirping!! Yay!! I’m trying to stock up my supply of birthday cards. March & April are busy, busy in our family, as far as birthdays go. My hubby’s, mother-in-law’s, father-in-law’s and…

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Honey Bee Stamps